Introducing Jesus
This presentation is about who Jesus is.
Main Section
Acts 10:38-41 Summary of Jesus’ ministry: [ Ministry: The time Jesus went around teaching]
Approx date: Jesus is 30 years old.
Taught in Judea and Galilee
Healed the sick
Killed and was raised
Witnesses: v37 Cornelius already knew v39 The Apostles were witnesses
2. Summary of the Life of Jesus
Born in Bethlehem (5m = 8km South of Jerusalem)
Matt 2:1 In the days of Herod the king. c 2000 years ago.
Massacre of the innocents Egypt. Archelaus therefore go to Galilee. v22
Raised in Nazareth Matt 2:23
Four (half) brothers Matt 13:55 James, Joseph, Simon, Judas - and sisters .
3. The Virgin Birth Matt 1:18 ( v31: Jesus name is chosen by God.)
Meaning: Lk 1:30-33 v32 – He will be called the Son of the most High (=God)
vv34,35 – the Son of God because of the virgin birth. No human father.
v32 – The Lord God will give him therefore not God.
4. Jesus is not God – a consistent picture from all the Apostles
Acts 10:38 God anointed Jesus of Nazareth
v38 For God was with him
v40 God raised him on the third day
v42 Appointed by God to be judge
Three clear reasons for believing that Jesus is not God:
Careful distinction between Jesus and God Acts 10 + Eph 1:2 + more than 150 others!
Jesus has a God Eph 1:3, 17 (Rev 3:12)
Jesus died – God is the living God who sustains the universe
5. Jesus shows what God is like
Jn 1:18
[Heb 1:1-4 cfHeb 2:5]
The Word of God:
Creation: Psalm 33:6,9
Prophet: Jer 2:1,2 → Bible
Angel: Zech 1:7,9
Jesus: !John 1:18
Jesus is not God
He is the Son of God
He shows what God is like