The Way of Salvation
We have seen Sin → Death, but that sin can be forgiven through the sacrifice of Jesus.
This study is about the way to gain life through Jesus’ sacrifice.
Main Section
The Sacrifice of Jesus (This is a brief re-cap of Forgiveness and Salvation)
Everyone is a sinner: Sin → Death Rom 5:12
Jesus died to allow us to escape this Rom 5:8,9
But to benefit from Jesus’ sacrifice we need to become part of it (Rom 3:23, vv24-26)
2. Faith: First we need to believe and understand the Gospel
Rom 1:16-17 The Gospel is the power of God for salvation to those that believe
But belief alone is not enough! Rom 2:6-8 v6 - works, v7 - well doing, v8 - obey truth
3.Faith and Works
Heb 10:38 – The righteous shall live by faith. What is faith?
Heb 11:6 – must believe that God exists and rewards those who seek Him → Action – seek God
Heb 11:8 – By faith obeyed God’s command to leave his family and go to Canaan
: :7 – By faith obeyed God’s command to sacrifice Isaac – total trust in God
compare Jas 2:21 – Abraham justified by works
What is going on? The point is that faith includes action
Jas 2:22 – Abraham’s faith was completed by works
:17, 18, 20, 26 Faith without works/action is dead
Consequence: the need to live a life where we believe God and act on our belief.
4. Baptism Re-cap: for our sins to be forgiven we need to be part of Jesus’ sacrifice
Rom 6:3-4 Baptism is a burial in water – we go in to the water and rise from it
This is a symbol of the death and resurrection of Jesus
:5 Thus we are associated with the death of Jesus –
:6.7 Set free from sin
:8,9 To die with Christ in baptism is to live with him
Baptism is association with the death of Jesus
It is the first action of a life of faith. The decision to start a life of faith is called REPENTANCE. Acts 2:37-39
Salvation from death requires four steps:
Live a life of faith