The Source of Temptation
This is about the idea of sin and temptation, and where temptation comes from.
Main Section
The idea: what sin is (OED: An immoral act considered a transgression of divine law)
Definition: Sin is acting in a way which is against the moral principle defined by God.
1 Jn 3:4 Sin is breaking the law
Rom 14:28 Whatever is not of faith is sin
Jas 4:17 Not doing the right thing is sin – even if we do nothing
2. Everyone is a sinner (Covered in Forgiveness and Salvation. Use Rom 3:9-10, 23 for a brief explanation)
Rom 5:12 – All have sinned 1 Jn 1:8 – if we say we have no sin we deceive ourselves
NB Sin brings death (Reserve: Psa 14:1-3)
3. Where temptation comes from (OED: Temptation: the desire to do something wrong)
Same Greek word may mean test or trial
Jas 1:13-15 - the process Own desire → sin → death NB Sin brings death
Mk 7:20-23 - sins come from within, out of the heart of man
1 Jn 2:16 - the desires of the flesh, the desires of the eyes, the pride of life
Jer 17:9 - the heart is deceitful more than anything
4. The Devil This is a Biblical concept. It refers to the human tendency to sin.
5. Satan Hebrew word - adversary or opponent borrowed by Greek
1 Chron 21:1 // 2 Sam 24:1 Satan = the LORD God
Matt 16:23 Get me behind me Satan – to Peter 1. To Peter
2. The things of man
6. Consequences
We can’t trust our own desires ( Jer 17:9, Jas 1:14)
Jesus died to destroy the devil Heb 2:14
Sin is failure to follow God’s law → death
Temptation to sin comes from within ourselves
We need to think before we act
The devil is the thing that tempts us (if needed Mt 4:1)
We are tempted by our human nature (if needed Rom 7:17-23)
Therefore the devil is part of human nature
There are no immortal sinners (if needed Rom 6:23, Ezek 18:4,20)
An external devil would be a sinner
Therefore it would die