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Real Gospel    Real Hope    Real Life

Jesus and his birth

2  December         Ephesians 1: Jesus is not God

9  December         The story of Jesus' birth is true

16  December       What we know about the birth of Jesus

23  December       What you know about the birth of Jesus that isn't true

30  December       What the virgin birth tells us about Jesus

All videos are premiered on the date given.
Below are the titles are earlier videos which are available.

All about Jesus

Jesus Christ - Man not Myth

John 1:1 Problems for the trinity

Jesus Christ - sacrifice for sin

Jesus Christ - Born of a virgin

Jesus Christ, Son of God - What it means

Jesus Christ,  Son of Man - What it really means

What the return of Christ Jesus means

Jesus Christ - Judge of mankind

Jesus is Lord - But he is not God

Jesus the Messiah - What it means

The Bible tells us Jesus is not God

Did Jesus exist before he was born?

Why follow Jesus Christ?

Life after Death - For Whom?

Acts 1:11 - Jesus will Return, Physically

Revelation 1:7 - Jesus will Return, Visibly

1 Thessalonians 4:16 - Jesus will return to raise the dead

Daniel 2:44 - The Real Kingdom of God - on earth

Acts 17:30,31 - The real Day of Judgement

1 Cor 15:21 - Resurrection - The Real Hope of Eternal Life

John 6:39 - Resurrection at the last day - our real hope

John 17:3 - The One God is the Father

Colossians 1:15 - Jesus is the image of God

John 10:30 - Jesus is not God

John 8:58 - Jesus is not God

John 14:9 - Jesus is not God

1 John 5:7 - Jesus is not God

The certainty of Resurrection

Do the Gospels misquote Jesus?

Was the New Testament corrupted by scribes?

The Message of the New Testament

What the resurrection tells us about Jesus

The Story of the Resurrection

Good reasons for believing in the resurrection

Objections to the resurrection answered

Why does God allow people to die?

 Jesus could not have been invented

 The Kingdom of God - A vital idea in Christianity

 Jesus Christ: Not God but God's Son

 Bible words: Messiah

 Bible words: Satan

 Bible words: Soul

                                                                    Who then IS Jesus?


 The Father is God, Jesus is his Son

 Jesus did not claim to be God

 What the Birth of Jesus tells us about him.

 The story of Jesus' birth

 Problems with the Trinity: The biblical problem

 Problems with the Trinity: The logical problem

 Problems with the Trinity: The historical problem


How God reveals himself through angels

How God reveals himself through Jesus Christ

5 Things to know about God

Facts about Jesus Christ you may not believe

Jesus Christ: The judge of the world

Real Truth about Eternal Life

The Bible: Truth or Myth?

The resurrection of Jesus Christ: Truth or Myth?

The miracles of Jesus: Truth or Myth?

The Exodus: Truth or Myth?

Old Testament History: Truth or Myth?

Did the Gospel Writers know their Geography?

Do the Gospels contradict one another?

Do the Gospels contain the real teaching of Jesus?

Why is Acts in the Bible?

Acts: Geography and Governors

Did Paul change Christianity?

Can we trust Paul's letters?

Paul and James: Friends or Rivals?

The Birth of Jesus: Truth or Myth?

Every verse counts!

Deuteronomy 6:4 - God is one not three
1 Timothy 2:5 - There is one God: Jesus is not God
1 John 4:12 - Jesus is not God; no-one has seen God
John1:18 - Jesus is not God but he shows what God is like 
John 4:22   - Jesus is not God; he worships the one God
Luke 1:25  - Jesus is God's son: what it means
Mark 13:32 - Jesus is not God; he didn’t know everything

Luke 2:52 - Jesus is not God; he grew in wisdom
Romans 10:9 - Jesus is not God; God raised him 
Revelation 3:12 - Jesus is not God; he has a God
Acts 10:38 - Jesus is not God; God anointed him 
Ecclesiastes 9:10 - Our thoughts end at death 
Psalm 49:20 - Our thoughts end at death 

     What everyone should know about...

 What everyone should know about Jesus Christ

 What everyone should know about The Bible

 What everyone should know about life after death

 What everyone should know about the Old Testament

 What everyone should know about the Gospels

 What the resurrection tells us about God

 What everyone should know about The Resurrection of Jesus


 What everyone should know about Eternal Life

 What everyone should know about the forgiveness of sins

 What everyone should know about Heaven and Hell

 What everyone should know about the devil

 What everyone should know about the Return of Jesus

 What everyone should know about the Kingdom of God

 What everyone should know about salvation

The Bible


When the Bible was written

What is the New Testament?

What is the Old Testament?

How the Old Testament was written

How the New Testament was written

The Gospels: Truth of Myth?

The Old Testament and Ancient Myth

Do I need to read all of the Bible?

The message of the Bible

 Thinking again about Jesus

 If Jesus is not God, then who is he?

 Jesus Christ: the Judge of the world

 Jesus Christ: Not God but God's Son

 Philippians 2: Jesus is not God

The Birth of Jesus shows he is not God

 The Roman Census at the Birth of Jesus

 What really happened at the birth of Jesus Christ

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Clear evidence – God is one not three
John's Gospel - Jesus is not God                         
John 1: Jesus is not God 
John 4: Jesus is not God
John 5: Jesus is not God


John 6: Jesus is not God

John 10: Jesus is not God

John 17: Jesus is not God

John 20: Jesus is not God

 A clearer look at John's Gospel

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Introducing God

                                                        Introducing God: The Bible Picture

 What is God’s physical nature?

 What is God’s character?

 What is God’s purpose for the world?


How God works in the world

Does God care about our planet?

Why God is called "The Father"

Does God care about Truth?

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An introduction to the Bible

The Gospels and the Old Testament

Can we believe the Gospel accounts?

Why believe the Bible is true

Why Believe in God: Clear Evidence

Why Believe in Jesus Christ

Why believe that Miracles are real

Why Believe the Old Testament

Was the New Testament forged?

Did the Apostles know Jesus

Evidence  for  Belief

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Can we believe the Gospel accounts of Jesus' crucifixion?

Can we believe the Gospel accounts of Jesus' resurrection?
Clear evidence: What happens when you die 
Clear evidence: Was Jesus really raised?
What the resurrection really means

Where are Heaven and Hell?

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                                                The Gospel in Simple Terms


God's Purpose for the world

The day of judgement according to the Bible

Eternal life is not in heaven

What is hell in the Bible?

Is the devil what you think?

Satan your adversary

How to find salvation the Bible way

Biblical baptism in simple terms

How angels reveal God

Jesus Christ: Son of God not God the Son

What the Gospel really means

Can we believe the Gospel accounts of Jesus' crucifixion?

Can we believe the Gospel accounts of Jesus' resurrection?

                                                         Why believe the Gospels?



  Who wrote the New Testament Gospels?

  Evidence for the Gospels: Archaeology

  Evidence for the Gospels: Names

  Undesigned Coincidences: evidence of Gospel Accuracy

   When were the New Testament Gospels written?

   Why are there four Gospels instead of one?

   The Gospels: Eyewitness accounts  

   The Real Gospels
   Are there Gospel contradictions?
   Why we Should Believe the Gospels
   Jesus Christ: Lord or Legend?
   What do we know about Jesus outside the Bible?
   What do we know for certain about Jesus

                                                  Controversial Questions


The Gospel in simple Terms
The Gospel in simple Terms: The Kingdom of God
The Gospel in simple Terms: Introducing Jesus
The forgiveness of sins in simple terms
Life after death: The Bible Truth
No-one will go to heaven


How God reveals himself through other beings
No-one has seen God
Jesus is not God: Jesus was really tempted
Jesus is not God: The big distinction
Jesus is not God: The Word of God
Jesus is not God: The image of God
The Trouble with the Trinity

These series of talks have been made in to a playlist. To listen to any talk in a series click the YouTube button in that box. To see all the presentations click the button at the top of the page.

Consequences of the Resurrection

The Gospel in Real Time - overview of the project

The day Jesus died on the cross

The day Jesus rose from the dead

Evidence for the resurrection

Five things that follow from the Resurrection

Life After Death: The facts

Over Easter 2021 Gospel Online produced a series of tweets that Jesus' disciples and other witnesses might have sent had social media existed then. The story of the crucifixion and resurrection told in real time.     Click here to see a log of these messages. 

Inquest at Golgotha

The crucifixion and burial of Jesus did not go according to plan as far as the authorities were concerned. Reports of him being seen alive three days after he was supposed to have been killed caused consternation and questions were asked. If this was to happen now there would be an inquest. So an inquest was arranged.     Click here to see a video of the proceedings.

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Jesus and the Day of Judgement

Jesus Christ: Son of God not God the Son

What the ascension of Jesus means

The earliest Christians

The early Gospel

                                                              Critical Questions

Is the New Testament reliable?

Jesus Christ: Man or Myth (Lord or Legend)?

Who wrote the Gospels?

The Gospels: Fact or Fiction?

Have we the right Gospels?


The Truth about Paul

Paul: Apostle or Impostor?

Did Paul invent Christianity?

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Is the Trinity true?


Is the Trinity True?: The one God of the Bible

Is the Trinity True?: We know who we worship.

Is Jesus God?: Jesus has a God

Is Jesus God?: Jesus didn't know everything

Is Jesus God?: Jesus died for your sins

Is Jesus God?: Jesus was sent by God

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The Birth of Jesus

The Virgin Birth: Why you can believe it                                                      What's special about Jesus

A panel discussion:      Understanding the Gospel

Introducing the Gospel

Introducing the Gospel                          :         Introducing Jesus Christ                              Introducing the Bible                                  
Introducing the Kingdom of God 

 Panel Discussion  – Why be a follower of Jesus?      

Why Jesus had to Die
Life After Death                                        The Return of Jesus                                The chosen line: Abraham to Jesus      The Source of Temptation                      The Way to be Saved             

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The Christian Faith - from the 1st Century to Today

This is a series of shorter presentations.

I believe in one God, the Father   
Maker of Heaven and Earth   
I believe in Jesus Christ                 
The Only Son of God

Born of the Virgin Mary 
Crucified, Killed and Buried 

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The third day he rose from the dead
He ascended into heaven - the exalted Christ 
Jesus will return from Heaven
he Forgiveness of Sins  
The Resurrection of the Body  
Jesus will Judge the Living and the Dead   

Why Believe?  

Why believe in God? Why believe in Jesus? Why believe the Bible?


  Why Believe in God - The Uncreated Creator

  Why Believe in God - The Balanced Universe

  Why Believe in God - The Origin of Live

  Why Believe in Jesus Christ - References outside the Gospels

  Why Believe in Jesus Christ - The uninventable Jesus

  Why Believe in Jesus Christ - The resurrection


This series began with a panel discussion entitled 'Why believe?'  

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Why Believe the Gospels - Archaeology

Why Believe the Gospels - Undesigned Coincidences

Why Believe the Gospels - Manuscript Evidence

Why Believe the Bible - Unity and Consistency

Why Believe the Bible - Fulfilled Prophecy

Why Believe the Bible - The Witness of Jesus

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